Tim Kim

I recently started as a Shanahan Foundation Fellow at the Allen Institute and the University of Washington.

I received my PhD from Princeton University, where I was advised by Carlos Brody and collaborated with Jonathan Pillow. During my PhD, I developed unsupervised methods for discovering interpretable latent dynamics underlying neural population activity. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where I worked with Josh Gold.

You can get in touch with me at timkimd@uw.edu.

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Publications & Preprints  (* indicates equal contribution)
  • Kim, T.D., Luo, T.Z., Can, T., Krishnamurthy, K., Pillow, J.W., Brody, C.D. (2023). Flow-field inference from neural data using deep recurrent networks. bioRxiv. [abstract | link | bibtex]

  • Luo, T.Z.*, Kim, T.D.*, Gupta D., Bondy, A.G., Kopec, C.D., Elliot, V.A., DePasquale, B., Brody, C.D. (2023). Transitions in dynamical regime and neural mode underlie perceptual decision-making. bioRxiv. [abstract | link | bibtex]

  • Kim, T.D., Can, T.*, Krishnamurthy, K.* (2023). Trainability, Expressivity and Interpretability in Gated Neural ODEs. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). [abstract | link | bibtex]

  • Kim, T.D., Luo, T.Z., Pillow, J.W., Brody, C.D. (2021). Inferring latent dynamics underlying neural population activity via neural differential equations. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). (long talk) [abstract | link | bibtex]

  • Kim, T.D., Kabir, M., Gold, J.I. (2017). Coupled decision processes update and maintain saccadic prior in a dynamic environment. Journal of Neuroscience. [abstract | link | bibtex]
Recent Conference Abstracts
  • Kim, T.D., Luo, T.Z., Can, T., Krishnamurthy, K., Pillow, J.W., Brody, C.D. (2024, poster). Flow-field inference from neural data using deep recurrent networks. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne).

  • Luo, T.Z.*, Kim, T.D.*, Gupta D., Bondy, A.G., Kopec, C.D., Elliot, V.A., DePasquale, B., Brody, C.D. (2024, talk). Transitions in dynamical regime and neural mode underlie perceptual decision-making. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne).

  • Kim, T.D., Luo, T.Z., Can, T., Krishnamurthy, K., Pillow, J.W., Brody, C.D. (2023, talk). Flow-field inference from neural data using deep recurrent networks. Bernstein Conference.

  • Luo, T.Z., Kim, T.D., DePasquale, B., Brody, C.D. (2023, poster). Distinct mechanisms for evidence accumulation and choice memory explain diverse neuronal dynamics. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne).

  • Kim, T.D., Can, T.*, Krishnamurthy, K.* (2022, poster). Learning and Shaping Manifold Attractors for Computation in Gated Neural ODEs. Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).

  • Luo, T.Z., Kim, T.D., DePasquale, B., Brody, C.D. (2022, poster). Inference of the time-varying relationship between spike trains and a latent decision variable. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne).

  • Kim, T.D., Luo, T.Z., Pillow, J.W., Brody, C.D. (2021, poster). Inferring latent dynamics underlying neural population activity via neural differential equations. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne).

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